Mientras completas la historia de Silent Hill 2 Remake te encontrarás con una buena cantidad de puzles y rompecabezas. Cada uno de ellos plantea un enigma con pistas distintas, y además las soluciones pueden ser distintas en función de la dificultad de puzles que hayas establecido. En este caso en concreto, vamos a darte la solución al puzle de la estantería, un puzle del Hotel Lakeview.Venir de Read More >
Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack- N64 And Genesis Games We Want To See
The Nintendo Switch Online subscription service is getting a new tier, dubbed Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, and it includes access to a sizable selection of Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis games. Presumably, like the NES and SNES offerings on NSO, more games will be rolled out over time, and there are several notable omissions from this initial batch that we want to see included with a future update. Below, we’ve picked some of our favorite missing Nintendo 64 and Genesis games, including ones that seem like surefire additions and a few that we’ll probably be waiting forever to see on the service.
Diddy Kong Racing (Nintendo 64)
Since it effectively kicked off the genre in the early ’90s, the Mario Kart series has been the king of kart…